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2011北京国际口腔展 BJOF

所属行业:     开展时间:2011年11月18日2011年11月20日     展馆地址:

2011年北京口腔展    BJOF  2011

欢迎参加2011北京国际口腔护理用品及齿科器材展览订货会及2011北京国际义齿加工展览会(简称2011北京口腔展 BJOF 2011)    网址www.hmdent.com






口腔材料专区:口内消耗材料  口外消耗材料 种植材料 种畸材料 修复材料 口腔耗材

口腔护理用品专区: 牙膏(药物牙膏、漂白牙膏)、牙科用药品、清洁剂、消毒剂、保健牙刷、专用牙刷、漱口水、润喉品、香口胶、牙齿漂白剂、牙线、假牙清洁剂、假牙固定剂、牙粉等;

义齿加工专区:义齿压铸机、烤瓷炉、烤瓷笔 、活动义齿、全口义齿、固定义齿、种植义齿、义齿基托粉,义齿抛光材料、贵金属烤瓷金属支架精密附着体、各种造牙技术及材料等。

参加2011北京国际口腔展(BJOF 2011)三大理由











联系人:陈克森 15963290939


Welcome to Beijing International Oral Care& Dental Equipment Fair 2011 (BJOF 2011)!

With fourteen years’ experiences, BJOF 2011 has become the biggest professional oral care exhibition in north China in the second half of every year. BJOF 2011 is jointly organized by the Asian Economic& Trade Development Promotion Center and Haiming International Exhibition Group, and was supported by many domestic and overseas industry associations, over thirty professional Medias and many oral industry authorities.

Over ten thousand professional visitors have been attracted to attend this exhibition by four large zones and series of technology lectures, summits and academic forums. This exhibition provides a high-standard, high-level and high-efficiency trade promotion platform to show industrial high technology, innovative products and top quality service projects. We require ourselves with professional spirit and standard operation to hold the most professional industrial exhibition which better services all oral companies on developing market in north China and establishing their brands image.

BJOF 2011 will be held on China International Exhibition Center during November 18-20, 2011. We are looking forward your participation!

Exhibit Catalogue:

Dental Equipment Zone: dental unit, imaging equipment, endoscopic imaging system, sterilization& disinfection equipment, air compressor, dental descaler, curing light, dental implant machine, oral medicine equipment, set instruments for oral surgery, oral repair equipment, systemized orthodontic treatment mechanics, etc.

Dental Materials Zone: consumption materials in the mouth, oral consumptive materials, oral planting material, oral abnormal materials, dental restorative materials, oral consumables, etc.

Oral Care Products Zone: dentifrice(medical dental cream and toothpaste), tooth brush for health protection, tooth brush for a special purpose, mouth wash, lubricate candy, chewing gum, tooth whitener, dental floss, denture detergent, denture fixer, dentifrice, etc.

Denture Processing Zone: denture processing equipment, porcelain furnace, porcelain pen, moveable dentures, complete dentures, fixed dentures, implanted dentures, denture underpinning powder, denture polishing materials, noble metal porcelain crown, metallic support, precision attachment and all kinds of dental technology and materials.

Participating in the 2011 Beijing International Dental Exhibition ( BJOF 2011 ) three big reasons

1.Audience invitation range, million people to buy

   Organize and invite person in charge of Dental equipment distributors and agents, major dental hospitals, dental clinics, hospital dental rooms, dental labs, dental technicians from Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shandong and other provinces to visit and purchase, enabling participants exchange one to one.

2.Domestic and foreign homogeneous propaganda, magazine radio internet

  Domestic and foreign well-known authoritative and professional magazines, radio, Internet and newspaper will  advertise and reports this fair comprehensively. Then we will unite the major professional media in publicity and reports, and this fair will be the excellent chance for oral business to open northern market and establish brand image.

3.The northern autumn assembly, Thanksgiving return Five Attractive Awards

*  10,000 tickets ads (exclusive)

*  A publicity color page on EXHIBITION CATALOGUE (only for two customers)

*  An enterprise publicity color page on notebook for visitors (only for two customers)

*  An EXHIBITION CATALOGUE and an admission ticket (exhibitors can invite guests more conveniently)

*  One year advertising promotion in the website of www.hmdent.com

Contact person:  jacke  15963290939





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